2 Stk. pcs. SN74LS74 Dual D-Type DIP14 IC


2 Stk. pcs. SN74LS74 Dual D-Type positiv Edge-triggered FLIP-FLOP low Power Schottky DIP14 IC

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EAN Code 4260633299509 Artikelnummer: 283533758724-SN74LS74N Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , , ,


2 Stk. pcs. SN74LS74 Dual D-Type positiv Edge-triggered FLIP-FLOP low Power Schottky DIP14 IC

2 pcs. SN74LS74 Dual Edge-triggered Flip-Flop DIP14 IC © androegg

our professional IC Shipment method © androegg

2 Stück SN74LS74 Dual D-Type positiv Edge-triggered FLIP-FLOP im DIP14 IC Gehäuse.


Unser Versand erfolgt

  •  SCHNELL, als Briefsendung (nicht als Warensendung)
  • ESD geschützt, eingeschweißt in ESD Folie
  • geschützte Pins, durch Schaumstoff Polsterung
  • im Versandkarton, nicht lose im Luftpolsterkuvert


2 pcs. SN74LS74 Dual D-Type positiv Edge-triggered FLIP-FLOP IC DIP14 Package..

Our shipment is

  •  FAST, registered mail(not Economy Shipping)
  • ESD protected, shrink wrapped in ESD Foil
  • PROTECTED Pins, foam cushioning
  • SAVE in cardboard box, not unprotected in a air cushion enveleope

SN74LS74 Dual FLIP-FLOP IC Features:

The 74LS74 dual edge-triggered flip-flop utilizes Schottky TTL circuitry to produce high speed D-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has individual clear and set inputs, and also complementary Q and Q outputs. Information at input D is transferred to the Q output on the positive-going edge of the clock pulse. Clock triggering occurs at a voltage level of the clock pulse and is not directly related to the transition time of the positive-going pulse. When the clock input is at either the HIGH or the LOW level, the D input signal has no effect.

  • working voltage from 4.75-5.25V

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